

Top 20 Electronic Learning Resources for Carre of Older Adults

Guide created by the University of Washington.

Aging: Bench to Bedside

This collection focuses on a rapidly evolving field in which the study of both species-specific and ubiquitous aging mechanisms informs the biological process of aging. Yet the field is not without substantial controversy, differing views arise as we come to understand aging across model systems - from bacteria to humans.

The Evolution of Aging

Theories of biological aging are essential to understanding age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke that now cause most deaths in developed countries and are the subject of the majority of current medical research efforts. The evolutionary basis of aging and consequent theories of human senescence have been controversial for more than 150 years and represent one of the most important unresolved issues of modern science.
Until recently researchers almost exclusively followed non-programmed theories of aging that suggest that generally each manifestation of aging must be individually addressed and that aging, per se, is an untreatable condition. Emerging programmed aging theories suggest that aging is itself a treatable condition and substantially funded research activities based on this idea now exist.


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